


Turning Challenges into Achievements:

How TOPdesk Revolutionized Your Lead Capture and Optimization of Nurturing Flows.


TOPdesk, a renowned ITSM (Information Technology Service Management) and ESM (Enterprise Service Management) software company, faced a dual challenge. It was necessary to increase the capture of qualified leads (MQL) and generate better results from its existing lead base. Additionally, the company sought to improve its ad campaigns with a focus on branding.

Main challenges

As a company that constantly seeks innovations in the software sector, TOPdesk has defined a plan to drive the growth of its customer base. However, they faced the following challenges:

Limited capture of high-quality leads.

Underexplored lead base.

Low data-driven culture.

What we did

To face these challenges, TOPdesk not only sought solutions, but also strategic partnerships with experts. The solutions implemented with the help of sunmarkters were:

  • Application of Good Practices in Advertising Campaigns: we review and optimize theirs ad campaigns, applying the best digital marketing practices to attract qualified leads;

  • Mentoring for Creating and Organizing New Campaigns: we provide personalized guidance and mentoring to the TOPdesk team to create and organize more effective campaigns, from conception to execution;

  • Data-Driven Culture for ads and nutrition funnels: optimization and best practices for data collection, transformation and analysis with implementation of real-time dashboards;

  • Customer Reach and Loyalty Through Strategies: we develop and implement innovative strategies that not only attract new customers, but also keep them faithfully committed to the brand;

  • Fostering Team Unity: we encourage and guide the harmonious integration of marketing, SDR and sales teams. This is done through the creation of a weekly feedback process on marketing results, encouraging a synergy that drives collective success.

Results achieved

The results of this strategic partnership were impressive and indicate a substantial transformation:

Growth Rate

The base of qualified leads seeking personalized software demos has grown at a remarkable rate of 590%.

ROAS 448%

New strategies for attracting and converting qualified leads not only brought results in increasing the lead base, but also guaranteed a strong return on investment.

Leads volume

In two years of the project, we recorded growth of 174%, significantly expanding the nutrition flow.

" sunmarketers has been supporting TOPdesk with a collaborative and engaged partnership. Always focusing on results, we noticed the company's genuine interest in getting closer to our internal team to understand the challenges and always contribute with new strategies."

Priscila Rodrigues - Marketing Manager TOPdesk


ㅤㅤThe partnership between TOPdesk and sunmarketers translates into a remarkable story of transformation. When facing complex challenges, such as limited capture of qualified leads, TOPdesk teamed up with a team of experts who applied tailored strategic solutions.
ㅤㅤThese solutions revolutionized not only the capture of leads, but also the company's data-driven culture. The results speak for themselves: an impressive 448% ROAS, a 174% increase in lead volume and a remarkable 590% growth rate in the qualified lead base.
ㅤㅤThis journey is an example of how strategic partnerships and well-executed strategies can overcome obstacles and generate exceptional achievements.

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