
Magic Development


Magic Transformation:

How Magic Development Leveraged the Capture of Qualified Leads.

magic village by pininfarina


Magic Development, an American developer, located in Orflando-FL, specializing in Short Term (Vacation Homes) properties, faced a common challenge in the real estate market: the low capture of qualified leads. They were looking for a way to increase the number of high-quality leads to boost sales for Magic Village by Pininfarina, a prestigious enterprise. The solution? A complete transformation in your marketing and lead capture strategies.

Main challenges

As a developer, Magic Development was aware of the importance of qualified leads for the success of its luxury developments. However, they faced difficulties in generating these leads. Challenges included:

Low capture of qualified leads.

Custos elevados por lead qualificado.

Atrair investidores em 8 países nas Américas do Norte e do Sul.

What we did

To overcome these challenges, Magic Development sought a strategic partnership with our team of digital marketing and lead generation experts. Solutions implemented included:

  • Attraction strategies: we developed strategies for each of the 8 countries in North and South America, with high attraction ads, high conversion pages and landing pages and all in 3 different languages;

  • Persuasive Copies: we developed engaging and persuasive copies for advertisements, landing pages and Awareness and Remarketing ads for the Google Ads and Meta Ads platforms;
    • This helped to highlight the differences of the venture and attract more qualified investors;

  • Sales CRM Integration: a sales CRM was implemented by the company's technology team and we integrated it with the Meta Ads API and the lead management platform;
    • This allowed for a more organized and efficient approach to tracking leads throughout the sales cycle;

  • Effective Investment Management: we reviewed and optimized advertising investments, ensuring that resources were allocated effectively on the right platforms to reach the target audience.

Results achieved

The results of the partnership were notable and proved the effectiveness of the solutions implemented:

ROAS of 1093%

A Return on Investments (ROAS) above what is common in the market of American Real Estate. With advertising strategies aimed at attracting high-income investors interested in Vacation Homes above US$500,000.

Leads +658%

In the first year, we implemented new lead qualification strategies that had an immediate effect.

LTV of 3.5 years

The growth, year after year, in the base of leads interested in investment was 36% per year, considering that we went through periods of pandemic.

"Overcoming the low capture of qualified leads was a challenge. sunmarketers helped us integrate our CRM, created persuasive copy, and optimized our ad investments. They really made a difference!”

Sue Legentil - Marketing Manager


ㅤㅤMagic Development's magical transformation, combined with our expertise in digital marketing, not only substantially increased the capture of qualified leads, but also strengthened its position in the luxury real estate market. This partnership demonstrates the power of the right strategy in generating exceptional results.

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