Our mission is to guarantee your business the best results in online marketing and sales.

Our mission is to guarantee your business the best results in online marketing and sales.

Mission and Vision

Our Purpose is to act in a unique way in digital performance consultancy, based on ethics and experience, ensuring the best results in online marketing and sales.

For Sun's future, our Vision, is to be the best and most relevant consultancy in Brazilian digital performance, combining experience and talent in building results for our clients, partners and associates.

Are our Mission and Vision aligned with yours?

How we started

ㅤㅤsunmarketers was founded in 2018 by Matheus Briese, a digital strategist with experience in technology and communication multinationals, having held leadership positions at innovative companies such as Electrolux, GVT (VIVO) and leadlovers.

ㅤㅤWhen working at leadlovers, Matheus, identified a demand for Lead Generation and Qualification and Customer Retention. Skills he perfected when faced with constant requests for help from customers and partners. He saw an opportunity to build a company focused on strategic consultancy for Digital Marketing and Online Sales.



We believe in Integrity as the greatest value in a relationship.


We trust Love in our relationships.


We are Resilient when we face challenges.

Education and Innovation

With Education and Innovation we reinvent ourselves.

Our history

Educational Market

The first validations of Sun's methodology took place in 2018 in companies in the education sector, with emphasis on Wise Up Idiomas, Super Cérebro and 4blue Trainings. These businesses are supported in the generation and execution of digital strategies that range from attracting new customers to optimizing their digital performance.


New markets

We continue to expand our lead generation method, going through very important tests with the validation of two new markets: technology and real estate. Among the companies served, the projects of UPX Technologie and the American company Magic Development stand out. Both companies experienced a gain of traction in their markets when our methodology provided significant boosts in generating qualified leads and retaining their customers.



The first European customers are beginning to be attended to, opening a new market for sunmarketers in Italy and England.


Divide to conquer

With our lead generation methodology stabilized and proven to create significant results for companies wanting to expand, and with the desire to innovate and continue optimizing our process, we saw an opportunity to scale our consultancies and moved towards the Partnership model. Consultants with advanced levels in their Marketing and Sales areas now have the opportunity to join Sunmarketers, initially as project partners and, when they stand out, with the opportunity to become partners in the business.


Optimization and Strengthening

The Partnership model proved to be scalable and more companies were able to receive excellent service from more than one of our consultancies. As is the example of the Brazilian branch of the Dutch TOPdesk, a technology company focused on ITSM and ESM. That with our consultancies, since 2022 we have achieved growth in the attraction of qualified leads of around 800% compared to 2021 results.


What about the future?

We will continue to grow, always responsibly and justifying the investments of our customers and partners.

The Sun